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By Social Justice Learning Institute, 04/01/2020

Census 2020

The U.S. Constitution mandates that our country counts its population once every ten years—citizens and noncitizens, newborns and seniors, documented and undocumented, and homeowners, renters, and homeless persons. It was included to ensure that everyone is equally represented in our political system and government resources are allocated fairly. 

By taking just ten minutes out of your schedule, you can have a voice in directing where we build new homes, schools, parks, new clinics and new roads as well as what services are needed for our families and community members. That is why SJLI is doing our part to ensure that all residents in our community are accounted for. 

The 2020 Census is free and your information will remain secure and confidential. Help make our community even stronger by taking the 2020 Census today. 


For Census assistance or questions, please contact Policy and Advocacy Director, Jelani Hendrix at (323) 952-7362 ext. 705 or

It is important that EVERYONE participates in Census 2020.

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