Urban Scholars and The Power of Familyhood
At the Social Justice Learning Institute, familyhood is at the heart of our Urban Scholars program.
We use the same elements of family we see in our communities to empower youth to graduate high school, persist through college and build life paths that create equitable systems for people of color.
Our dedicated Educational Equity team is made up of mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters and brothers who are all committed to improving the lives of youth through education.
In the spirit of familyhood, you’ll read student testimonials about the transformative nature of our Urban Scholars program, and how it has helped them discover their undeniable value and place in this vast world we live in.
Urban Scholars: Where Familyhood Stands Together
“Familyhood, We Stand Together!”
This is what we chant in unity at the beginning and end of every encounter we have with our Urban Scholars. It’s not for the sake of saying it, but it’s because we truly believe family has the power to raise up young people and thrust them into their purpose.
The notion of having a village of people standing behind our students creates safety nets so they can freely learn, grow and change.
The element of how we create familyhood is simple; it starts with caring individuals who, over time, forge life-altering bonds.
Our Educational Equity team provides students and school site educators a culturally-relevant curriculum and academic support through a social justice lens.
With training and by harnessing our passions, we collectively provide heritage-based education, team-building, and leadership development needed in the classroom and at retreats to strengthen students’ sense of identity and critical consciousness.
Together, we train students in community-based action research, policy and advocacy, and organizing so that they can address issues in their communities and affect long-term systems change.
Not only do we provide individualized academic and career pathway development, we also work to help them address and overcome trauma through restorative practices, outdoor retreats, and individualized therapy sessions with mental health professionals.
The communal experience allows our youth to thrive and become agents of change within their own communities to reach back to lift up others like them.
Watch this quick video that captures the familyhood experience.
Support This Year’s Class of 2022 Urban Scholars
In just over a month, our Urban Scholars seniors will graduate high school and prepare for college.
Together, as a family, we can reach our goal of raising $30,000 to help them cover the costs of tuition, books, housing and transportation.
Support the efforts of our 2022 Urban Scholars graduating class now by participating in our scholarship campaign in these five ways: