We use education as a tool to empower communities of color to unlock their ability to change their lives and the world around them.
We work to transform neighborhood conditions by improving the built environment and expanding access to resources that enable residents to be healthy and thrive.
We build power within our communities to mobilize residents so that they can identify and challenge systems of injustice and to advance policies that directly impact their lives.
Every week we harvest fresh produce for the local community from our network of 7 gardens in Inglewood and South LA.
Graduates from our Urban Scholars program have pursued further education at 32 campuses throughout the nation.
We anchor a growing coalition of residents, businesses, community and faith-based organizations working to advance housing justice in Inglewood.
1619 Total # of youth served through Urban Scholars:
312 Total # of Healthy Lifestyle Classes:
449 Total # of college campuses our graduates have enrolled in:
103 Total # of Gardens Built:
103 Total lbs. of produce distributed:
Launched Inglewood’s 1st and only farmers’ market
Where We've Served
With a core focus on South Los Angeles, we’re growing our national impact. Click to see the interactive map location.
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SJLI will put you on the right track. The Urban Scholars program saved my life. I would not be here if it wasn’t for this program and the guidance I received from SJLI.
Empowering Through Education
Creating Thriving Communities
Changing Systems